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Corhampton Golf Club raises over £13,000 for cardiac charity’s 3D Heart Project

Corhampton Golf Club has successfully raised £13,004 for cardiac charity Heartbeat’s pioneering 3D Heart Project, which aims to improve techniques for heart surgery.

Heartbeat was chosen as the Club Captain’s charity for 2024, after the Club’s Captain, Dave Donovan, heard about Heartbeat and its 3D Heart Project.

The team raised the impressive sum for Heartbeat at various events throughout the year to support the project, which will help clinicians at the University Hospital Southampton cardiac unit provide less evasive and more accurate pre-operative planning for surgery on children with congenital heart disease.

The pioneering 3D printing program enables clinicians to create a model of a patient’s heart. A CT or MRI scan created by the hospital’s cardiac team can be sent to medical 3D printing form, Axial3D, who will produce an exact replica of the patient’s heart, offering an in-depth look at the organ which includes any tiny imperfections that may originally have been missed.

The use of this new, cutting-edge technology means surgeons can plan any operations necessary and minimise the number of invasive procedures the child will undergo throughout his or her life.

The events supported by members at Corhampton Golf Club included the Captain’s Charity Day Raffle, with a fabulous first prize provided by Your Golf Travel, the Captain’s Charity Parking Space, the Captain/Pro Challenge, the Captain’s Bottle Beer, contributions from the Ladies’ and Seniors’ sections and the Corhampton Golf Club 2024 calendar.

The Heartbeat team was delighted to support both the Captain’s Day and the Captain’s Charity Day by providing much-needed refreshments with their popular halfway house gin bar.

The presentation was made at the Captain’s Celebration Party on 19th October, with Robbie Burns, cardiac patient and Heartbeat trustee, accepting the cheque on behalf of the charity.

Robbie Burns said: “We’re so grateful for this generous donation from Corhampton Golf Club. The 3D Heart Project is incredibly important because it will help cardiac teams ensure minimal impact for young cardiac patients while allowing them to accurately target treatment to meet each patient’s precise needs.”

Corhampton’s Club Captain, Dave Donovan, said: “I was so blown away when I heard Dr Tara Bharucha speaking about the 3D Heart Project at the Hampshire PGA Dinner in March of last year that I knew straight away I wanted to support Heartbeat in its invaluable work.”

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